Tag Archive: Xbox 360

Review: Just Dance 2014

Rhythm game franchises have a bit of a reputation for releasing in annual installments and having not much more going on than a new song list. Just Dance is one such rhythm franchise,… Continue reading

Review: Cloudberry Kingdom

Your princess has been kidnapped and you’ll need to run, jump, and fall through an assortment of levels to get her back. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Cloudberry Kingdom isn’t trying to reinvent the genre; it… Continue reading

Review: Capsized

Weird vegetation, underground villages, and even questionable terrain are just some of the things you’ll run into as you make your way through the mysterious alien world in Capsized. This 2D action platformer… Continue reading

Review: CastleStorm

If Vikings are attacking your kingdom, what else can you do but strap on a sheep to a catapult and send it flying their way? Part Angry Birds, part real-time strategy game, CastleStorm… Continue reading

Review: BattleBlock Theater

Co-op games are all about working together with your friends to clear a stage or beat up some baddies, but what happens if you have the option to backstab them too? The answer… Continue reading

Transistor preview – hands on with Bastion devs next title

Supergiant Games’ upcoming title Transistor blends Bastion’s dynamic storytelling techniques and colorful art style to create a new experience full of wonder and intrigue. While both games look similar, Transistor offers a different combat system and… Continue reading

Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

Whether you follow anime or not, chances are you’ve heard of a spiky-haired ninja named Naruto. What first started out as a weekly manga in Japan has grown into a worldwide franchise spanning… Continue reading

Review: Guardians of Middle-earth

MOBA (or multiplayer online battle arena) games like League of Legends and DotA may call PCs their home, but this spin on the traditional real-time strategy genre has started making its way onto… Continue reading

Review: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

With Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, some might wonder why the fastest hedgehog alive would need a vehicle in the first place. Of course, as any game company knows, mascot racing games are… Continue reading

Review: Hitman: Absolution

Killing someone is easy. You can shoot him in the head, stab him with a knife, or push him off a ledge. But if writers didn’t think out of the box and wow… Continue reading

Review: Pid

Pid tells the story of Kurt, a small boy who must make his way back home after he gets separated from his classmates and ends up on an unknown planet. What he doesn’t… Continue reading

Review: Just Dance 4

The Just Dance franchise is Ubisoft’s answer to the dance-in-front-of-your-television game. For years now, the games have let players boogie down like nobody’s watching and their casual approach to dancing has made them… Continue reading

Review: Happy Wars

Consoles aren’t typically the first place you’ll go to when searching for free-to-play games as that model seems to have made a nice niche for itself on PCs. It may come as a… Continue reading

Review: Dance Central 3

Three years ago Harmonix introduced us to Dance Central, a franchise that has since then exemplified the power and potential of the Kinect and has continued to evolve with each new title. It’s… Continue reading

Review: Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants

During the late 16th century, the seas were bustling with trade ships sailing to and from the various seaports dotted across the Caribbean. All this constant trading also resulted in the rise of piracy… Continue reading

Review: Dead or Alive 5

It’s hard to talk about Dead or Alive and not mention its cast of female fighters that are as lethal as they are scantily clad. After all, these displays of sensuality, coupled with… Continue reading

Review: Jet Set Radio HD

The Sega Dreamcast didn’t last long, but in its short lifespan, it managed to produce a handful of original games that opened our eyes to possibilities we had never seen before. If you… Continue reading

Review: Rock Band Blitz

There are so many ways one can play a Rock Band game. Over the years, Rock Band games have given players the chance to live out their fantasies and be rock stars in… Continue reading

Review: Adidas miCoach

For those looking to tone their bodies and get in shape, nothing beats going to gym or getting a one-on-one session with a private trainer. But for those who cannot afford it or… Continue reading

Review: Sleeping Dogs

A cinematic video game gives players ultimate control over their actions, but it takes them on an emotional ride similar as to what an audience experiences when watching a movie on the big… Continue reading

Dead or Alive 5 offers more than just buxom brawlers

It’s been seven years since we’ve seen a console version of a Dead or Alive game, and that last one came out exclusively for Xbox 360. Tecmo Koei isn’t letting its fans wait… Continue reading

Five reasons to be excited for Dance Central 3

It’s becoming a yearly tradition for Harmonix to unveil a new Dance Central game at E3, and its latest installment announced last week is the best the series has seen so far. In… Continue reading

E3 2012: CastleStorm Preview

Upon first glance, CastleStorm may look like Angry Birds with knights and Vikings, but after demoing the game at E3 this week, those similarities instantly flew out the window. In fact, boulders, grenades,… Continue reading

E3 2012: NBA Baller Beats Preview

Back when it was first announced a few months ago, NBA Baller Beats looked like one of those games your mom always told you not to play in the house – mainly because… Continue reading

E3 2012: Did Sony and Microsoft steal Nintendo Wii U’s thunder?

Nintendo’s Wii U has one important thing going for it – its unique tablet-centric GamePad controller. Revealed at last year’s E3, the GamePad is the Wii U’s defining quality, not to mention its… Continue reading

Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 was a good attempt at giving players a continuation of the original Genesis titles, but its wonky physics and gimmicky stages kept it from achieving true potential.… Continue reading

Review: Awesomenauts

Any PC gamer out there can tell you that multiplayer online battle arena games are taking the online gaming scene by storm. In just the past year, giants like League of Legends and… Continue reading

PAX East 2012: We talk zombies and lollipops with Goichi Suda

Picture running through the pube-infested corridors of Hell with a chatty shotgun as your companion. Now, imagine defeating hordes of zombies with stylish pompom attacks while your boyfriend’s severed head cheers you on.… Continue reading

PAX East 2012: Hands-on with Awesomenauts

There was a small indie booth at PAX East that players kept revisiting throughout the weekend. That booth belonged to the team at Ronimo Games who had flown all the way from the… Continue reading

PAX East 2012: Guacamelee hands-on

Aside from being a clever portmanteau that makes me think of brawling avocados, Guacamelee is an incredibly charming platformer by Drinkbox Studios that was as much of a joy to play as it… Continue reading