Review: Cloudberry Kingdom

Cloudberry Kingdom

Your princess has been kidnapped and you’ll need to run, jump, and fall through an assortment of levels to get her back. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Cloudberry Kingdom isn’t trying to reinvent the genre; it just wants to be the next enjoyably difficult platformer you play — and it is. It just won’t leave a lasting impression.

Tackling Cloudberry’s Story Mode means playing through hundreds of randomly generated stages that get more difficult over time. You’ll need to have fast reflexes to survive the more grueling levels that bombard you with chainsaws, moving fire bars, and lasers. Perfecting a level is both challenging and rewarding, but after a while you’ll feel like you’ve been here before. The game only has a set number of backdrops and obstacles, so even if it can effortlessly create an infinite number of stages, déjà vu sets in quickly.

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