Review: CastleStorm


If Vikings are attacking your kingdom, what else can you do but strap on a sheep to a catapult and send it flying their way? Part Angry Birds, part real-time strategy game, CastleStorm lets you take control of a ballista and an army of soldiers to destroy your enemy’s castle while you protect yours from crumbling down. Its controls may take some getting used to, but play enough of it and you’ll understand why this hybridized experience is definitely worth getting into.

At its core, CastleStorm plays like tower-defense/offense. Matches can be won by destroying your enemy’s castle or by breaking down his gates and having your troops steal his flag. You’ll follow the adventure of Sir Gareth, a snarky knight tasked with retrieving his kingdom’s sacred jewel from the hands of Vikings that want to use it to rule the land. The text-based dialogues will surely make you chuckle, but hearing the same background music and sound-effects gets repetitive after a while. You’ll get to know CastleStorm’s cast of cartoony characters, colorful visuals, and comedic undertones in the campaign mode, which also does a great job of teaching you to how to play.

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