Review: Jet Set Radio HD

The Sega Dreamcast didn’t last long, but in its short lifespan, it managed to produce a handful of original games that opened our eyes to possibilities we had never seen before. If you ask any Dreamcast fan what they most remember playing, Jet Set Radio will probably be at the top of the list. It was a game that introduced us to the wonders of cel-shaded graphics and the joys of spraying and skating down the streets of an imaginary Tokyo. It was an impressive title, and now over a decade after its initial release, Jet Set Radio is back, showing us it’s still got it.

Jet Set Radio follows the story of a group of skaters, who roam the streets of Tokyo spraying graffiti all over town, and their run-ins with rival gangs. Missions involve picking up spray cans and tagging several targets in a short amount of time, all while avoiding the comical amounts of firepower the authorities throw your way. Each mission gets more challenging as the game progresses and rewards you with a score depending on your overall performance.

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