Review: Epic Truck

Epic Truck, developed by Sea Lion Games, is a racing game you play against yourself. And the only racer on the screen is you –a giant, 3D monster truck that can go really fast. The right side of the screen controls how fast you go. Touch the bottom right side, and you’ll go at high speeds, and to slow down, move your finger upwards. The left side stops your truck, and holding it makes you drive in reverse. The game also takes advantage of the iPhone and iPad’s accelerometer so tilting it to the right or left leans your truck in that direction.

As you race to the finish line, you’ll have to drive over boulders, logs, moguls, and even fly over some chasms. Each of the ten available race tracks look the same, but the difference is how the obstacles are set up. Some tracks have boulders that can tip your car over, and others have lots chasms you’ll have to use ramps to speed across. The game has really nice physics, so you’ll have to lean your car in the proper direction or else you’ll tip over when landing sometimes. Driving over boulders can also cause your truck to get stuck, so you’ll have to back up and lean in the proper direction to climb them.

The game uses great real-time graphics making the 3D rendered truck move and land fluidly. It even makes a realistic revving sound. Aside from this, there isn’t any music that plays except for the menu screen. The background image remains the same, so I wish more parts of the game received as much detail as the monster truck did.

There really isn’t much else to this game besides racing to the finish line. The current game offers just one location known as Desert Ridge, but more locations such as Snowy Peak should be available soon. All you get right now is just ten short tracks. Epic Truck takes advantage of Game Center so rankings and leaderboards are available as well. For $1, the game is pretty simple. But if you’re a fan of beating race times, give it a shot.

Score given: 6/10

Published December 2010 |